argieArt 2008

a Primer consisting of
rough drafts of
sketchy notes to
the full-time
occasional artist


another wave on another ocean in another universe at another time

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

chère ontosophie (1) vit parmi les personnes de la turquesa ~ anonyme

... una idea genial regarding a brève série d'images which would involve un femme maladroite pourtant élégante with hair longitud del hombro or longer, close upon a background of what might be described as "some brambles" or, as Darwin might say, "a tangled bank;" (mais probablement pas una enmarañada Banco;) el estar parado absolutamente cerca de su petit camion des années plus anciennes.

I envision the image as a woman standing in either a miroiter la robe de satin, or possibly something plus diaphane (depending on the mood of la maqueta, and what’s available at the local thrift shops), perhaps with purse and talones altos – all to imply a sort of formality of purpose amid the "caos de la naturaleza". My concept is essentially that of forming a yuxtaposición de la formalidad y de la falta de formalidad wherein the model’s hair is (figuratively/visually, not actually) entangled in the surround or, more accurately, increasingly indiscernible from the brambles themselves.

Although I’d prefer having the model stand there for an hour or two while I do a série de croquis, this would be problemático even during the best of weather (the only zarzas of sufficient grandiosity that come to mind are in various parques locales), so I suppose rental of a good カメラ would be necesario.

Anyhow, if you – or anyone you know – would be interested in doing this in the next month or so, please let me know. Lighter-coloured hair is preferred (merely because of holgazanería upon the part of the artist, due to lighter hair having greater contrast between its toques de luz y sombras). If I don’t hear back in the next few days, I’ll assume this sort of thing no longer has any appeal to you, and the subject shall fade una vez más into dim oscuridad en el pasado remoto, à rester ici pour une petite éternité. (2)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

(1) "Ontosophia" being the preferred term of Clauberg c 1647 - used in reference to his "first science," which is of course the same "ontology" as that introduced, almost a full Jupiter year earlier, by Goclenius, c 1636. Informally, then, one refers to ontosophie.

(2) Past impluperfect ponderable :

He became so used to missing her that, even on those rare occasions when she deigned to spend a few moments with him, looking down from atop the portable ivory tower presumably of her own construal - and he found himself thus in what passed for her presence - he found himself habitually addressing her in the past tense .

"Como estuviste?"
"Bien y tu?"or a cup of tea?
"Muy bien, gracias por habermelo preguntado. Te hubiera encatado ir por una taza de te?"
"Seguro; pero prefiero café."
"Eso hubiera sido primoroso. Talvez hubiéramos ido al iZone?"
"Mmm… no; el 2nd Bean tiene deliciosos lattes de vainilla."
"Lo tuvo? Ha pasado mucho tiempo que me es difícil recordar."

Algunos especularon eso, porque su actitud era mucho mas grande que la de el, y por esa razón la distancia que intervenía también lo era, al momento que su comunicado le llego a sus oídos, el universo ya había envejecido.
(lah lah)
< translation of quoted chat plus last paragraph courtesy of Prof. Oktavio >


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