argieArt 2008

a Primer consisting of
rough drafts of
sketchy notes to
the full-time
occasional artist


another wave on another ocean in another universe at another time

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

ergo oxymoronic ego

she [ deserving of ]
a more proper respect , deeply [ ergo untrust]worthy

he . or . [ as if ]
alternative transport [ for example here, in ] cleverly paved jungles


we ; dressed [re]pleatedly [ in order ] to
succeed [up]on this entering [ of the ] spotlight

[is] she . [in] regarding

he prays for a nonce upon bended [k]nee{d}s to have

thee or angel or demigods three
read a scroll of
his plea to be
free to enter the light upon

the other side of symmetry



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